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Ripke S, Neale BM, Corvin A, Walters JT, Farh KH, Holmans PA, Lee P, Bulik-Sullivan B, Collier DA, Huang H, Pers TH, Agartz I, Agerbo E, Albus M, Alexander M, Amin F, Bacanu SA, Begemann M, Belliveau RA Jr, Bene J, Bergen SE, Bevilacqua E, Bigdeli TB, Black DW, Bruggeman R, Buccola NG, Buckner RL, Byerley W, Cahn W, Cai G, Campion D, Cantor RM, Carr VJ, Carrera N, Catts SV, Chambert KD, Chan RC, Chen RY, Chen EY, Cheng W, Cheung EF, Chong SA, Cloninger CR, Cohen D, Cohen N, Cormican P, Craddock N, Crowley JJ, Curtis D, Davidson M, Davis KL, Degenhardt F, Del Favero J, Demontis D, Dikeos D, Dinan T, Djurovic S, Donohoe G, Drapeau E, Duan J, Dudbridge F, Durmishi N, Eichhammer P, Eriksson J, Escott-Price V, Essioux L, Fanous AH, Farrell MS, Frank J, Franke L, Freedman R, Freimer NB, Friedl M, Friedman JI, Fromer M, Genovese G, Georgieva L, Giegling I, Giusti-Rodríguez P, Godard S, Goldstein JI, Golimbet V, Gopal S, Gratten J, de Haan L, Hammer C, Hamshere ML, Hansen M, Hansen T, Haroutunian V, Hartmann AM, Henskens FA, Herms S, Hirschhorn JN, Hoffmann P, Hofman A, Hollegaard MV, Hougaard DM, Ikeda M, Joa I, Julià A, Kahn RS, Kalaydjieva L, Karachanak-Yankova S, Karjalainen J, Kavanagh D, Keller MC, Kennedy JL, Khrunin A, Kim Y, Klovins J, Knowles JA, Konte B, Kucinskas V, Ausrele Kucinskiene Z, Kuzelova-Ptackova H, Kähler AK, Laurent C, Keong JL, Lee SH, Legge SE, Lerer B, Li M, Li T, Liang KY, Lieberman J, Limborska S, Loughland CM, Lubinski J, Lönnqvist J, Macek M Jr, Magnusson PK, Maher BS, Maier W, Mallet J, Marsal S, Mattheisen M, Mattingsdal M, McCarley RW, McDonald C, McIntosh AM, Meier S, Meijer CJ, Melegh B, Melle I, Mesholam-Gately RI, Metspalu A, Michie PT, Milani L, Milanova V, Mokrab Y, Morris DW, Mors O, Murphy KC, Murray RM, Myin-Germeys I, Müller-Myhsok B, Nelis M, Nenadic I, Nertney DA, Nestadt G, Nicodemus KK, Nikitina-Zake L, Nisenbaum L, Nordin A, O'Callaghan E, O'Dushlaine C, O'Neill FA, Oh SY, Olincy A, Olsen L, Van Os J, Pantelis C, Papadimitriou GN, Papiol S, Parkhomenko E, Pato MT, Paunio T, Pejovic-Milovancevic M, Perkins DO, Pietiläinen O, Pimm J, Pocklington AJ, Powell J, Price A, Pulver AE, Purcell SM, Quested D, Rasmussen HB, Reichenberg A, Reimers MA, Richards AL, Roffman JL, Roussos P, Ruderfer DM, Salomaa V, Sanders AR, Schall U, Schubert CR, Schulze TG, Schwab SG, Scolnick EM, Scott RJ, Seidman LJ, Shi J, Sigurdsson E, Silagadze T, Silverman JM, Sim K, Slominsky P, Smoller JW, So HC, Spencer CA, Stahl EA, Stefansson H, Steinberg S, Stogmann E, Straub RE, Strengman E, Strohmaier J, Stroup TS, Subramaniam M, Suvisaari J, Svrakic DM, Szatkiewicz JP, Söderman E, Thirumalai S, Toncheva D, Tosato S, Veijola J, Waddington J, Walsh D, Wang D, Wang Q, Webb BT, Weiser M, Wildenauer DB, Williams NM, Williams S, Witt SH, Wolen AR, Wong EH, Wormley BK, Xi HS, Zai CC, Zheng X, Zimprich F, Wray NR, Stefansson K, Visscher PM, Adolfsson R, Andreassen OA, Blackwood DH, Bramon E, Buxbaum JD, Børglum AD, Cichon S, Darvasi A, Domenici E, Ehrenreich H, Esko T, Gejman PV, Gill M, Gurling H, Hultman CM, Iwata N, Jablensky AV, Jönsson EG, Kendler KS, Kirov G, Knight J, Lencz T, Levinson DF, Li QS, Liu J, Malhotra AK, McCarroll SA, McQuillin A, Moran JL, Mortensen PB, Mowry BJ, Nöthen MM, Ophoff RA, Owen MJ, Palotie A, Pato CN, Petryshen TL, Posthuma D, Rietschel M, Riley BP, Rujescu D, Sham PC, Sklar P, St Clair D, Weinberger DR, Wendland JR, Werge T, Daly MJ, Sullivan PF, O'Donovan MC
Biological insights from 108 schizophrenia-associated genetic loci.
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Loh PR, Tucker G, Bulik-Sullivan BK, Vilhjálmsson BJ, Finucane HK, Salem RM, Chasman DI, Ridker PM, Neale BM, Berger B, Patterson N, Price AL
Efficient Bayesian mixed-model analysis increases association power in large cohorts.
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Bulik-Sullivan BK, Loh PR, Finucane HK, Ripke S, Yang J, , Patterson N, Daly MJ, Price AL, Neale BM
LD Score regression distinguishes confounding from polygenicity in genome-wide association studies.
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The relative contribution of common and rare genetic variants to ADHD.
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Shared genetic influences between attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) traits in children and clinical ADHD.
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Neurocognitive abilities in the general population and composite genetic risk scores for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.
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Biological overlap of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and autism spectrum disorder: evidence from copy number variants.
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High loading of polygenic risk for ADHD in children with comorbid aggression.
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Intellectual disability in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
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Shared polygenic contribution between childhood attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and adult schizophrenia.
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New data and an old puzzle: the negative association between schizophrenia and rheumatoid arthritis.
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Large-scale genomic analyses link reproductive aging to hypothalamic signaling, breast cancer susceptibility and BRCA1-mediated DNA repair.
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Bulik-Sullivan B, Finucane HK, Anttila V, Gusev A, Day FR, Loh PR, ReproGen Consortium; Psychiatric Genomics Consortium; Genetic Consortium for Anorexia Nervosa of the Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium, Duncan L, Perry JR, Patterson N, Robinson EB, Daly MJ, Price AL, Neale BM
An atlas of genetic correlations across human diseases and traits.
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Vilhjálmsson BJ, Yang J, Finucane HK, Gusev A, Lindström S, Ripke S, Genovese G, Loh PR, Bhatia G, Do R, Hayeck T, Won HH, Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, Discovery, Biology, and Risk of Inherited Variants in Breast Cancer (DRIVE) study, Kathiresan S, Pato M, Pato C, Tamimi R, Stahl E, Zaitlen N, Pasaniuc B, Belbin G, Kenny EE, Schierup MH, De Jager P, Patsopoulos NA, McCarroll S, Daly M, Purcell S, Chasman D, Neale B, Goddard M, Visscher PM, Kraft P, Patterson N, Price AL, Discovery Biology and Risk of Inherited Variants in Breast Cancer DRIVE study
Modeling Linkage Disequilibrium Increases Accuracy of Polygenic Risk Scores.
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